Let’s take a look at what a Sponsorship deal is, why it’s important in marketing and how you can make the most of paying for the opportunity.

Selecting the right partnership is so important but more than that, it’s about making the partnership a success so that you can feel like you got bang for your buck. A lot of the time, you only get out of sponsorship what you put into it. Sure, a company or event can offer you a prime deal or shout out but that’s from their point of view. How a business chooses to use this is up to them. There is more to sponsorship than slapping your logo on banners or getting a shout-out during an event; they’re about crafting a strategic alliance that propels your brand forward. But what exactly goes into a sponsorship deal, and why is it crucial to dot your i’s and cross your t’s? Let’s break it down.


Defining the Deal

First and foremost, clarity is key. Before jumping into a sponsorship deal, it’s crucial to clearly outline what’s involved. This encompasses everything from the level of visibility at the event to the extent of online promotion. Think of it as laying down the foundation upon which your partnership will flourish. Are they able to offer you a little flexibility or is the contract rigid. Make sure you feel like you are happy with what is being offered and don’t ever be afraid to ask for a little extra!


Harnessing the Power of Social Media

While enjoying the limelight of a live event is undoubtedly enticing, your social media holds equal—if not greater—potential. Active social media accounts serve as invaluable assets in amplifying your brand’s reach. Engaging content not only boosts awareness but also cultivates a loyal following, paving the way for a stream of hot leads. How can a partner tag or mention your business if you are not active  on social media. If you’re not being tagged, it means potential customers are hitting a dead end, unable to follow your business. Remember, it’s not just about being present; it’s about actively engaging your audience and fostering meaningful connections.


Essential Assets:

No sponsorship deal is complete without the necessary arsenal of assets. From captivating visuals to compelling copy, each component plays a pivotal role in conveying your brand’s message.

Planning and organisation are paramount; meticulous attention to detail ensures that every aspect of your sponsorship shines bright.

What does that look like?

Are you going to provide video content?

What graphics will you provide?

What size and spec does the partner need for the event?

Will it be shown on a digital screen or printed on a page or board?


The Role of a Marketing Agency

A marketing agency is the secret to successful sponsorships, using their expertise in the industry to make sure everything is done right. At Elevate Marketing we have the inhouse expertise to make any partnership a success. From video and graphics, content pre and post event, social media optimising, lead gen creation etc. From maximising exposure to fine-tuning your brand’s messaging, having a marketing team on your side will be invaluable in elevating the partnership to new heights.

The Devil in the Detail

Ah, the age-old saying holds true— the devil is indeed in the detail. Success comes not from big acts but from many small details adding up. From the font used in your promotional materials to the timing of your social media posts, every detail contributes to the overall success of your sponsorship.


Simply put, a successful sponsorship requires careful planning, strategic thinking, experience, the right skills, and close attention to detail. It’s about more than just visibility; it’s about forging meaningful connections and leaving a lasting impact. So, as you embark on your sponsorship journey, remember to define your deal, harness the power of social media, arm yourself with essential assets, enlist the support of a marketing agency, craft compelling visuals, and above all, sweat the small stuff. Remember you will only get out what you put in and if you want to maximise this a lot of the onus will fall back on the person/company sponsoring to be able to be able to provide the information.